As children, we listen to others tell us that we can do anything we set our minds too.  As adults we tell our children this, but we get so wrapped up in our day-to-day tasks that we sometimes forget this amazing piece of advice ourselves.  I am a firm believer of this and definitely had these positive thoughts in the front of my mind this past Sunday.

I’m still coming down from a Runners high.  Actually, I think I’m still experiencing it full force.  It’s been almost two days since I ran the full 42.2 km at the Hamilton Road2Hope Marathon on Sunday, November 6th, 2011.  We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day.  While starting off a bit cool the temperature rose quite quickly and with the sun blazing down on us you wouldn’t have known we were already into what we would have expected to be a cool November.  What an amazing day for a race.

Its been about 18 weeks since I started the training, which at sometimes seemed quite intense.  Looking back I have to say I loved every minute of it.  As I have been a half-marathon runner for quite some time now, I really didn’t know what to expect when I woke up Sunday morning.  The distance still seemed a bit far off the regular 32-33 km I was used to tackling on my long Sunday morning runs.  Ten kilometres in a car doesn’t seem very far while you are driving.  But running that distance after running 32 km is a completely different story.  But, it’s an amazing story.  With as much physical energy as it took me to complete the full 42.2km, it took just as much, if not more, mental and emotional energy.  What a feeling it was to have completed this goal of mine.

If you are seriously considering tackling this ultimate distance or setting any other running goals such as a 5 km or 10km, be sure to have a plan in place.  Your strength can be built up over time but you have to be sensible about how you do it, especially if you are starting from a level of low fitness.  Any beginner attempting a marathon for the first time should aim to have at least one-year worth of solid running before beginning a training program.  Speak with your health-care provider first to get the go-ahead if you are unsure.  I have done this in the past and have even had my heart monitored just as a precaution.

I am very blessed to have such an amazing and supportive family and group of friends that have encouraged me with my running and marathon training.  Having a running partner or close friend who shares the same interest in running is a wonderful thing.  They can join you on your long runs; keep you motivated and on track to reaching your goals; and ultimately, share in your celebrations after achieving something you never thought was possible.

Enjoy your run!

(Reposted from 10/13/2011)

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