  While I have always enjoyed running, it wasn’t until after I had my youngest that I looked at training seriously to increase my endurance and mileage.  Running a marathon had always been on my bucket list but the thought of training for one was daunting.  After being inspired by a family member, I decided to start training for my first half marathon.  I was absolutely thrilled a few months later to have completed my first half marathon.  Crossing over the finish line and seeing my family there at the end filled me with so much emotion it truly is difficult to put it into words.  At that point it was hard to picture my life without running. 

I now participate in several races each year, usually trying to pick ones located in different cities so we can turn race-weekend into a mini vacation.  Running helps me continue on this wonderful journey through motherhood.  It is my time.  It keeps me physically fit and emotionally healthy, which I think is so important in setting a perfect healthy example for my children.  I encourage each one of you to get out there and be active in any way you can.  Breathe in the fresh air and really enjoy your surroundings.  Little steps will bring about big changes in your health and everyday life.  Even though we may not all be marathon runners, we are all marathon moms.  We all need to be Healthy Marathon Moms. 


(Reposted from 10/13/2011)

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